Andy is Typing...
Andy is Typing…’s influences range from Hong Kong rock bands like Beyond & KOLOR; to Britpop classics like Oasis; J-rock and even classical music. Their inspiration for songwriting revolves around everyday stories happening around them. Their vision is very clear: they want their music to be authentic, melodic, simple and universal. They love to write good music, and will become the best Hong Kong band the world has ever seen.
The band name "Andy is Typing..." was inspired by social messaging. As they were trying to rename the band in the chat group, it was constantly showing "Andy is typing..." as Andy kept typing. The other members immediately liked the feeling of the phrase, thus renaming the band to "Andy is Typing...".
"Andy is Typing..." released their debut single <Take A Break> in April 2017. Arranged with aggressive bass slap-pop riffs and intense drum parts, it is peculiarly a love song written by JKY to express his fatigue over being involved in complicated modern relationships.
Later on, Andy is Typing... had an opportunity to set up a feature with KOLOR, a well-known established Hong Kong rock band, and released their fourth single <Don't Believe> which was originally written by Andy is Typing... and co-arranged by both bands. <Don't Believe> is the first song from the band that is available in both English and Cantonese versions.
Following the release of several singles like <Lost Pearl> and <Seoul Pretty>, the band released their first EP <3:1> in Jan 2021 with six songs. The gimmick of the EP is that it has 3 different versions of lyrics
(Cantonese, English and Mandarin) for the songs.
In Feb 2022, Andy is Typing… released an experimental lo-fi beat type of track named < 答應我要好好的過>, contrasting the band’s usual direct and rock music type of vibe. Later on in September of the same year, the band released another single named <WILL BE FINE>, a song about having a carefree attitude.
Ashia (廖嘉敏)喜愛唱歌、演戲,也喜愛寫作。曾於⼤學時期簽約為歌手,推出第⼀張個⼈EP<Dream On> 。為了專⼼修讀臨床心理學,她曾把公開表演和音樂創作擱置 ,隨後決
⼼重拾音樂夢想,於2017 年推出⾸張發燒碟 <Our Splendid Time>。加入 LAVA MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT 後亦推出多⾸原創作品 ~《幻痛》、《做個回憶作回憶》、《Movin’On》、《夢洄》等。
唱歌以外,Ashia亦先後參演多部微電影,《道歉麪包店》、《黃格仔》等 , 2024年更憑《夢魘洄游》榮獲第⼗一屆微電影創加作最佳女主⾓角金奬,並開始參與電影及廣告拍攝。
Ashia 也醉心於音樂劇,先後參與《林子祥LaMusical 2019演唱會》及 《小男⼈週記》,更在香港⾸部長壽音樂劇《我們的青春⽇日誌》𥚃擔任主⾓Jessica。
Ashia started her singing journey since college but it was put on hold for some years due to her studies in Clinical Psychology.
She later determined to resume her dream of music and released her first EP <Dream On> in 2011, and her first Hifi album <Our Splendid Time> in 2017, which then brought her to different live shows and music events.
Since joining LAVA MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT, Ashia released her original songs including “Phantom Pain”, “Reminiscence” , “Movin’On” and “Remorse”.
Apart from singing, Ashia has also been involved in acting. She participated in various microfilms over the years, including “Sorry Baker” and “Yellow Chequer”, and achieved ‘BEST ACTRESS AWARD’ in 2024 with the microfilm “Endless Nightmare” from the 11th Hong Kong Micro Film Award.
She also started her performance in musicals since 2019. She was one of the actors in “LaMusical Concert 2019” and playing a main role in “Love for Granted 2023”. Currently she is performing in Hong Kong’s first long- run musical “Our Journal of Spring Time” as the main cast ‘Jessica’.
蔡紫晴 Choi Tsz Ching
樂隊 極美樂團 GIMAG/Carrier帶菌者主音 Hong Kong singer, song writer & lyricist.
Filipe 杜俊瑋
杜俊瑋 Filipe Baptista Tou, 澳門唱作歌手,舞者及演藝人。
澳門出生,父親澳門人,母親澳門葡萄牙人。 17歲首次在加拿大參加校園歌唱比賽開始,Filipe憑著他對自己目標的肯定和舞台的熱誠,決定 回到澳門及後期到台灣發展,期間獲獎無數,其中單是澳廣視歷年舉辦的至愛新聽力歌曲選舉 至目前已共囊括多個大小獎項,以及在台灣超級偶像比賽中獲封為舞王,是得到過最多獎項的 澳門歌手。 融合現場樂隊、電子舞曲和說唱的曲風,配以精湛的舞步是Filipe最擅長及為澳台樂迷熟悉的舞 台風格。 他的參與不僅限於歌曲演譯,樂曲創作和音樂編製亦是他涉足的範疇。 除了歌舞演出和音樂創作,精通多國語言的他積極參與節目主持、司儀、廣告、電視劇、舞台劇及電影拍攝等活動,務求成為一位全方位的演藝人。